Further Reading and References

ISWAN’s Managing stress and sleeping well at sea  – Self-guide which aims to help seafarers understand stress and its effects and offers practical strategies to recognize stress and cope effectively. It also provides advice on how seafarers can manage fatigue at sea and get the most from their sleep.

AMSA’s fatigue guidelines  – Guide providing information in a simplified format on the causes, consequences and management of fatigue. This guide is primarily aimed at assisting those managing and operating regulated Australian vessels and foreign vessels. However, the principles outlined are equally applicable to other maritime operations, including domestic commercial vessels.

MARTHA project  – Report for ship management to consider based an EU-funded project that ran from 2013-2016 with the central purpose to examine the factors which contribute to seafarers’ fatigue. 

Information in this guide is taken from

1Fatigue, alcohol and performance impairment, Nature, Volume 388 July 1997
Eating and shift work – effects on habits, metabolism, and performance by Arne Lowden, PhD,1 Claudia Moreno, PhD,2 Ulf Holmbäck, PhD,3 Maria Lennernäs, PhD 4, Philip Tucker, PhD 5

IMO MSC.1/CIRC 1598 Guidelines on Fatigue


IPIECA IOGP Jet Lag Fatigue guidance
IPIECA IOGP Jet Lag Fatigue guidance or Andrew Herxheimer/Jim Waterhouse BMJ Volume 326 Feb 2003